“Living in New York is not always as easy or glamorous as it sounds. I guess that's why they say, ‘If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere,’” explained Cheryl Reid, founder of Spa Week, when reminiscing on how she first stumbled upon the idea to offer discounted spa treatments to those weary New Yorkers looking for relief in an ever-changing, hectic world.
Reid launched her firm in response to that constant hustle and bustle of the Big Apple metropolis where, as she puts it, “On some days, a one mile commute can take 45 minutes.” Enough said.
While brainstorming one night for an idea on how to create an event to educate New Yorkers about the benefits of a spa and wellness lifestyle, coupled with a cost-effective way to do so, Spa Week was born.
While many perceive spa treatments to be a luxury, wellness experts would completely dispute that philosophy, as would Reid. As it were, those who receive regular massage and spa treatments are more well-rounded, peaceful and rested when it comes to tackling the tasks of every day life.
The goal for Spa Week built on that mantra, and was quite simple. Reid wanted to bring the spa and wellness experience to the masses by offering full service treatments (normally costing hundreds of dollars) for just $50 dollars each. “No longer would a trip to the spa be considered an indulgence and something relegated to the wealthy few. Spa Week was the vehicle that was destined to change an industry and make a spa visit part of an affordable healthy lifestyle,” explained Reid.
Today, the program is run biannually throughout the country, with the first week taking place on April 11-17, the other slated for Fall. Even though the program launched in 2004, Reid believes its more timely than ever, as a staggering number of people are working increasingly on computers and mobile devices, only exacerbating issues and injuries such as carpal tunnel, muscle fatigue, back and neck pain, stress and countless others. To combat these issues, many spas offer specific treatments such as the De-Stress Body Treatment at Elizabeth Arden Red Door Salons across their 28 locations. The treatment offers a full body scrub, detoxifying and aroma therapeutic wrap and a mini-massage focusing on troubled areas like back and neck, lower back or feet.
And while treatments might not be at extravagant prices, it certainly doesn’t mean you’ll be missing an opulent experience. Aside from the Red Door Salon, other sumptuous spas participate in the program including Natural Body, the spas at the Hyatt and Hilton Hotels, the Spa at Virgin Hotels and Eau Spa Palm Beach. The treatments go well beyond the standard massage or facial, where some spas offer decadent treatments like hot stone massages, caviar facials, Botox, eyelash extensions and 24-K gold facials.
It is with her steadfast belief that wellness should be center stage when it comes to fighting against stress and anxiety that Reid has expanded the business and continues to do so with great vigor. “Spa Week continues to be the vehicle that was destined to change an industry and make a spa visit part of an affordable healthy lifestyle,” added Reid.
Cheryl Reid's Remedies for Relaxation: Spa Affordability
How one woman’s passion and devotion brought remedies for a healthy lifestyle, to those busy individuals around her, which led to a robust business that reminds us all that sometimes, we just need to relax.